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Emerging technology companies may enter the NYNMA Market Maker database to meet with enterprise technology buyers and venture capitalists at NYNMA's Fortune 1000 and VC Face2Face events on June 26 and October 30. A 12-month subscription for participation in the NYNMA Market Maker costs only $150. You determine if your profile is viewed by potential customers/partners or funders. Participating venture capitalists and enterprises, including AIG, Business Week, Fujitsu, IBM, In-Q-Tel, JPMorganChase, Mellon Financial, Microsoft, New York Times Digital, and Unilever, will receive access to our database and select the companies they want to meet at our Face2Face events. Enter the NYNMA Market Maker now!
If your company is selected for a Fortune 1000 Face2Face meeting on June 26 you will be charged $400. This fee covers an unlimited number of Fortune 1000 Face2Face meetings at the event.
If your company is selected for a VC Face2Face meeting on June 26, you will be charged $150. This fee covers an unlimited number of VC Face2Face meetings at the event.
Enterprise executives and venture capitalists interested in participating in the June 26 Face2Face event, please contact Chris Saxman or Brian Rosenberg.